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ARESCO Immobilien Ltd

Company name and registered office


ARESCO Immobilien Ltd
Währingerstraße 78

1090 Wien​




Managing director
Clemens Krausler

Mag. Nikolaus Serrat



Company registers
Legal form: limited company
Company register - number: FN 520953
Court of competent jurisdiction: commercial court


Bank data
Bank details
Raiffeisen Landesbank Nö / Wien, BLZ 32000
Account number:
IBAN: AT93 3200 0000 1299 4372



Data Protection Specialist
No data protection specialist appointed
Since there are no legal requirements.





This website is owned by ARESCO Immobilien Ltd. The entire contents of this site serve - in the sense of self-presentation - for personal information about the range of services and the team of ARESCO Immobilien Ltd. Further use or reproduction of the contents, in whole or in part, outside of personal use, is not permitted without explicit prior written permission. Images may not be published or further processed without the prior written consent of the respective copyright holder. All rights reserved.



Copyright: Photos | Text

Shutterstock: Header: mRGB

Portraitsfotos: Katharina Khoss

Istockphoto:  Zinshäuser: amriphoto | Real Estate: Pgiam | contact: phant


Copyright Texte: © Kommunikationsgreisslerei / Maria Kral-Glanzer



Legal information

All content on this site has been thoroughly researched and prepared. However, errors and errors are not excluded, therefore ARESCO Immobilienmakler GmbH cannot guarantee the accuracy, completeness and timeliness of the information contained in it. ARESCO Immobilienmakler GmbH excludes any liability for losses that arise directly or indirectly from the use of this website. ARESCO Immobilienmakler GmbH also assumes no responsibility for the content of websites accessed from this website by reference.


Place of Jurisdiction: Vienna



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